Artist Reflection...
The strongest technical aspect of my work was that i cut out the face nicely using the pen tool, i also colored the face in using different colors and tones to show the different facial features using the paint brush and paint bucket. The technical aspect of my work that could be improved would be the darker toned colors that were used to make the facial features stand out. I could've used different colors and made the features look more realistic.
The easiest part of this project was choosing what person to do, and making it look like pop art by changing the levels of the face. The most difficult part of this project was choosing the right colors to paint the face, and creating his lips because there wasn't an outline of his lips to just follow and color in.
I demonstrated the objective of this project by turning a normal picture into a pop art picture by using the pen tool, clipping paths and filling the layer. If i could do this project again, I would use a better color scheme to make it look better.
I like the contrast of the darker pink up against the lighter pink.