Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Artist Reflection...

    The strongest technical aspect of my work is using the pen tool to outline all the stripes of the zebra then using the textured bush to make the stripes look more realistic.  Another strong technical aspect was painting the nose/ mouth and the eye to look life like.  By using the eye-drop to take the colors from the actual picture, then using the paint brush to paint over the areas where it corresponds to make it look realistic and life-like.  The technical aspect that could've used some work was the background.  Using the paint brush and trying to give it the effect that it was in the background and blurred, it could've been done better.
     The easiest part of this project was to outline all of the stripes of the zebra, and then paint them all in to make them look realistic and textured.  The most difficult part of this project was getting the correct colors to make the eye and nose have the correct values and look realistic like the picture.
     I demonstrated the objective of this project by using the textured brushes, pen tool, and eye dropper to make it look like a painting.  I found a picture of a zebra, that i then painted over using many layers and many paint brushes, and at the end of it, made it look like a painting.  If i could do this project again, i would chose a different picture, and i would try using different brushes and values.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Andy Warhol Popart

Artist Reflection...

        The strongest technical aspect of my work is using the paint brush to color in the different parts of the picture, using the threshold tool and making the black darker and lighter on different layers, i used the hue and saturation tool for changing the colors of the pictures so that they look good together and have the pop art affect.  The technical aspect that i could've worked on was was choosing different colors to make the different aspects of the picture to stand out.
         The easiest part of this project was painting in the different parts of the picture to make it look real.  It was easy using the hue and saturation tool for changing the colors of the other four images so they all corresponded and went together.  The most difficult part of this project was using making the four images into a 2 x 2 grid.
         I demonstrated the objective of this project by following the directions and creating an Andy Warhol Popart.  I demonstrated it by creating a 2x2 grid pop art using different colors to make all the images look good together.  If i could do this project again, i would use different colors when using the paint brush and the hue and saturation tools to color in the images.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Artist Reflection...

             The strongest technical aspect of my work was that i cut out the face nicely using the pen tool, i also colored the face in using different colors and tones to show the different facial features using the paint brush and paint bucket.  The technical aspect of my work that could be improved would be the darker toned colors that were used to make the facial features stand out.  I could've used different colors and made the features look more realistic.
             The easiest part of this project was choosing what person to do, and making it look like pop art by changing the levels of the face.  The most difficult part of this project was choosing the right colors to paint the face, and creating his lips because there wasn't an outline of his lips to just follow and color in.
              I demonstrated the objective of this project by turning a normal picture into a pop art picture by using the pen tool, clipping paths and filling the layer.  If i could do this project again, I would use a better color scheme to make it look better.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

animal morph

The strongest technical aspect of my work was putting the horse head on the body of the penguin.  another strong technical aspect was putting the horse tail and hooves on the penguin body to make them seem more morphed.  The technical aspect of my work that could be improved would be putting the texture of the penguin fur on the head of the horse.

The easiest part of this project was choosing which animals to morph together.  the most difficult part of this project was putting the animals together so they looked semi-realistic and like they were supposed to look together.  another difficult part was getting the texture of the penguin to transform over to the horses head.

i demonstrated the objective of this by using the clone stamp and get the fur of the penguin to transform onto the horse head so they look morphed together as one animal.  if i could do this project again, i would choose two different animals and make them together.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

shape collage

Artist Reflection...

     My strongest technical aspect was making it symmetrical and using the opacity tool to make it all blend together.  A technical aspect that could use improvement is the color scheme.

     It was easy to make it symmetrical by add and overlapping shapes.  It was difficult to choose colors that looked good together and making sure every shape was seen.

     I demonstrated the objective of this project by making it symmetrical.  If i could do this project again i would use different shapes.

Friday, October 23, 2015


Artist Reflection...
      The strongest technical aspect of my work is using the polaroid pictures to make it seem like the polaroid pictures are scattered out on a table. Another strong technical aspect is making the his hands and legs pop out of the polaroids.  The technical aspect of my work that could be improved would be my background.  I could've chose a better background and better colors for the background.
     It was easy to choose a picture and background that corresponded with each other.  It was also easy to place the polaroid pictures so that there wasn't a lot of white in a certain area and so they weren't all going the same direction.  It was difficult to choose colors for the backgrounds to make the background and picture look better together and make the picture stand out.
     I demonstrated the objective of this art activity because i created the allusion that the polaroid pictures were scattered on a table.  If i could do this art activity again i would choose a different picture and different background.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Artist Reflection...

      The strongest technical aspect of my work is that i made the tattoo look realistic.  Changing the opacity of the tattoo and wrapping it around my writs.  The technical aspect that could be improved is  that i could've chose a better placement for my tattoo.
      It was easy to pick out a tattoo and to chose a placement for it.  The difficult part of this project was getting the tattoo to look real, using the opacity and fitting it to my wrist.
      I demonstrated the objective of this project by making the tattoo realistic, i used the warp tool, and changed the opacity.  if i could do this art project again, i  would chose a different location for my tattoo to go.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

landscape project

Artist Reflection...

           The strongest technical aspect of my work was blending the different backgrounds and pictures.  You can't tell that there is four different pictures used to create this one image, but using the  masking tool and changing the opacity made it look like it is all one.  The technical aspect that i can improve is that the pictures could blend more and look more realistic.  The water doesn't look as great as it could and the color of the water could've been more realistic.
          It was easy blending the backgrounds so they all look like they are in one picture.  Using the mask tool,  i could easily make it look like the water and the mountains were all part of one picture.  The difficult part of this project was finding different pictures to combine and create a theme for the picture.  
         I demonstrated the objective of this art activity by creating a foreground, middle ground, and background.  The foreground is the sand, the middle ground is the water, the background is the mountains.  If i could do this art activity again, i would chose a different theme.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

personal identity

Artist Reflection...

            The strongest technical aspect of my work is choosing images, coloring them, and making them interact with each other.  This is the strongest technical aspect because i really like how i chose good colors and put characters that worked together nicely in my project.  The aspect that could've been improved was adding more characters.  There was a lot of open space that could've been filled with other pictures.
            It was easy choosing the colors for the pictures.  It was easy because choosing colors that go good together is easy.  It was difficult choosing the correct place to put the characters on the picture.  Some characters looked better in certain places and looked better next to specific characters.
           I demonstrated the objective in this art project by making it about my personal identity and portraying what i like threw pictures.  If i could do this project again i would have a better theme.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

letter project

Artist Reflection...

               The strongest technical aspect of my work is symmetry.  Symmetry was the strongest technical aspect because it is used so often in this project.  The technical aspect in my work that can be improved are the transparence of the letters.  I could use more of a variety of transparencies.
                It was easy to chose the colors to work with.  I enjoyed choosing the colors and making them look good together.  The difficult thing about this project was making sure the letters were all in the correct spot and facing the correct way.  The letters could be off by the slightest movement and it would make the whole project look wrong.  
               I demonstrated the objective of this project, which was symmetry, very well.  There is a lot of symmetry in this project, portrayed by the "O"s covering the page, with symmetrical "O"s across from them. If I could do this art activity again, I would choose a different letter.